• Mitoxantrone , a drug similar to Adriamycin , with ifosfamide is being studied. Leiomyosarcoma Good prognostic factors for this tumor type include the presence of a small tumor, a tumor arising from a benign uterine fibroid (5 to 10 percent of all cases), a low number of dividing cells and being premenopausal. Standard Treatment Abdominal hysterectomy , removal of the tubes and ovaries, washings to check for malignant cells in the abdominal cavity and selective sampling of the pelvic and aortic lymph nodes . Any additional treatment for women with early-stage disease and less than 5 dividing cells per microscopic field has not been shown to be beneficial. Women with 5 to 10 dividing cells are sometimes treated with postoperative pelvic radiation or adjuvant chemotherapy , while women with more than 10 dividing cells are usually given these treatments. Postoperative whole-pelvis external beam radiation therapy (total dose 4,000 to 5,000 cGy given in divided doses five days a week for five weeks) is sometimes given to decrease the local recurrence rate in early-stage disease.